ISO 27001 : 2015 Certified Company

Anti-Spam Policy

Our clients guarantee that they will use our system only to send messages to customers and prospects that have directly consented (opted-in) to receive electronic communication. We restrict them from transmitting unsolicited bulk email (spam) via our application. We also prohibit clients from including false, misleading, deceptive, or fraudulent content in message headers, subject lines, or the content of the email. Glazier Clinic Media does not allow its clients to use purchased or harvested email lists. Similarly, we do not buy or sell email lists ourselves.

Furthermore, Glazier Clinic Media offers confirmed opt-in mechanism as a choice for our clients to help them minimize allegations of spam and abuse. If a list is created as ‘confirmed opt-in’, the Glazier Clinic Media system automatically deploys confirmation email to each subscriber on the list asking the recipient to verify that they wish to receive further email communications. Only those subscribers that click a special confirmation link inside the email will be opted-in to future mailings sent via the Glazier Clinic Media system.

Constant violations or failures to comply with our policies result in account access termination.

Clients’ Agreement

Glazier Clinic Media’s clients agree not to send unsolicited emails via our application. For any opt-in list of email addresses used in the Glazier Clinic Media system, clients agree to provide the source of the email addresses, the method used for sign-up, details about the subscription process, and whatever other information relates to the transaction or sign-up process used. This includes, but is not limited to, date and time of sign-up (date and time stamps), IP address of sign-up, URL of the website containing the sign-up from, and whatever other information the client asked of the subscribers using the initial web form.

Our clients guarantee that they will not use rented or purchased lists, or any other list that contains email addresses captured in any other method than opt-in. Moreover, all clients should be aware that the use of opt-out lists is also strictly prohibited. Glazier Clinic Media retains the right to review client lists and emails to verify that clients are abiding by the privacy and permission policies set forth herein. Our clients are required to comply with our policies and all applicable law at any time.

We use strict security measures to protect the data used by our system. We promise to keep your email address and other personally identifiable information secure and private and will not use it for other purposes. Please review our privacy policy for more details.

Emails From Our System

Received an email from the Glazier Clinic Media system? you should be aware that we only send emails for clients of ours that you recognize signing up to receive email. Our clients guarantee that all email addresses used in our system are opt-in names. It means that subscribers have given permission to the client to send them email. As we indicate in above paragraphs, Glazier Clinic Media does not allow nor desire that any client uses our email services to send unwanted mail or spam. However, if you do not recognize who sent you the message, please see the next section.

Reporting Unsolicited Bulk Email (UBE)

If you do not recognize who used the Glazier Clinic Media service to send you a given message, you can report it to us as spam by forwarding it with full headers to the following email address: We seriously treat all complaints we receive. Each is thoroughly investigated and cataloged. However, if you are worried that we would simply delete your address from our clients’ mailing lists without further investigation, feel free to report the message to whatever entity you feel most comfortable about. You might want to visit spamcop, which provides an easy tool for reporting unwanted email.

You can also use your mailbox provider's (, Yahoo/AOL, etc.) ‘Report as Spam’ button to notify the ISP that the message is spam. ISPs use this information to determine good senders from bad senders, and we regularly work with ISPs worldwide to take action based on that data. Moreover, we cooperate with the anti-spam blacklist community and address all possible issues to its satisfaction.

Unsubscribe Policy

Each email sent through the Glazier Clinic Media system contains an automatically generated link that allows subscribers to unsubscribe from receiving emails from the sender. You may also change your subscription details without unsubscribing at any time. If you wish to unsubscribe or change your details, just follow the instructions at the bottom of received email. Remember that if you have received an unwanted email sent by the Glazier Clinic Media system, please see above for options on how to handle such issue.

Personal Information Security

We will never share, sell or rent personal information, unless ordered by a court of law. Information submitted to Glazier Clinic Media is available only to employees responsible for managing this data.

Includes a ‘web beacon’ in most of the HTML email messages sent. A web beacon is in fact a small image in the message’s content, which is activated when an HTML email is opened via a request for the image on our servers.

We also provide the capability to track when a URL has been clicked inside of an email message sent by our system. We use this functionality to track which links were clicked and in what quantity, as well as to determine the aggregate number of links clicked. This click tracking functionality does not collect any personally identifiable information.

This enables our clients to track the aggregate number of emails opened. The web beacon does not collect any personally identifiable information. Users that do not want to receive email messages with web beacons can choose to receive their emails in text (non-HTML) format.


We use cookies to record session information, such as past activity at the site in order to provide better service when visitors return to our site or customize web page content based on visitors' browser type.

Security Technology

Glazier Clinic Media operates in secure environment by using the latest server, database, backup and firewall technologies. All data resides in a tightly controlled, secure data center that prevents unauthorized access and data security. This means that information about the identity and preferences of individual members is never accessible to anyone from the outside.

However, we cannot guarantee the security of your data while it is being transmitted over the internet and through servers that are out of our control - that is after you deploy your messages

Notification Changes

Glazier Clinic Media will notify its members and users via email if we make any changes to our privacy policy. If at any point we decide to use personally identifiable information in a manner different from that stated at the time it was collected, we will notify about this fact. You will have a choice as to whether or not we use your information in this different manner.

If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes to this privacy statement, or the home page, and other places we deem appropriate, so that you are aware of what information we collect and how we use it.

We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time, so please review it frequently. If we make material changes to this policy, we will notify you here, by email, or by means of a notice on our website. Clients specifically confirm that they take all necessary means to guarantee the content of each message is not deceptive or could cause significant negative financial loss to the recipients.